On Friday 12th April Top Signs of Hexham installed new photographic panels around the bases of the windows at Allendale Co-op. The photographs, taken by James Little, show the living landscape of the Allen Valleys through the course of a year. This work, celebrating the Co-op’s 150th anniversary, was commissioned by its General Manager, Neville Pringle. There is also a related explanatory leaflet available for free inside the shop.
A gallery of the photographs will be added to this website later in the month.
To see more of James' photographs of The Allen Valleys follow him on Facebook @JamesLittlePhotography and Instagram @JamesyLittle.
Window Pictures Explanatory Leaflet
James has also produced a printed leaflet which gives information about the photographs and what they depict.
You can view the leaflet below, download a copy or or pick one up in store.
Allendale Co-op Window Pictures Leaflet web