James and Neville standing beside the newly installed window photographs
James and Neville standing beside the newly installed window photographs

On Friday 12th April Top Signs of Hexham installed new photographic panels around the bases of the windows at Allendale Co-op. The photographs, taken by James Little, show the living landscape of the Allen Valleys through the course of a year. This work, celebrating the Co-op’s 150th anniversary, was commissioned by its General Manager, Neville Pringle. There is also a related explanatory leaflet available for free inside the shop.

A gallery of the photographs will be added to this website later in the month.

To see more of James' photographs of The Allen Valleys follow him on Facebook @JamesLittlePhotography and Instagram @JamesyLittle.


Window Pictures Explanatory Leaflet

Printed information guide to the photographs in Allendale Co-op windowsJames has also produced a printed leaflet which gives information about the photographs and what they depict.

You can view the leaflet below, download a copy or or pick one up in store.


Allendale Co-op Window Pictures Leaflet web


Download the Window Pictures Leaflet >>